
  2022年9月28日,联合国政府间海洋学委员会公布了联合国“海洋科学促进可持续发展十年”(简称“海洋十年”)新一批31个签约行动,华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室领衔的“海上丝路”河口海岸国际联合实验室项目(Joint International Laboratory of Deltas, Joint-Delta) 成功入选(https://www.oceandecade.org/actions/joint-international-laboratory-of-de...)。这是继河口海岸学国家重点实验室发起的“大河三角洲计划”2021年签约成为联合国“海洋十年”首批行动计划后,又一次获得联合国“海洋十年”的肯定。

On September 28, 2022, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) announced the newly endorsed 31 actions on its website. The Joint International Laboratory of Deltas (Joint-Delta) project led by the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University (SKLEC, ECNU) is listed as one of the Ocean Decade actions (https://www.oceandecade.org/actions/joint-international-laboratory-of-de...). This is the second action led by SKLEC after the Mega-Delta Programme, which was endorsed in June 2021 by the UN Ocean Decade in the first batch of actions.

   “海上丝路”河口海岸国际联合实验室项目依托于河口海岸学国家重点实验室牵头的联合国“海洋十年”“大河三角洲计划”(Mega-Delta Programme),于2021年获批上海市科委 “科技创新行动计划”“一带一路”国际合作项目。项目执行期为2021年10月至2024年9月,已经于2022年1月19日成功召开项目启动会,来自中国、巴基斯坦、罗马尼亚、埃及、孟加拉国的46位专家学者和政府官员参加了会议 (http://www.sklec.ecnu.edu.cn/node/6905)。


Joint-Delta is affiliated to the “Mega-Delta Programme” of UN Ocean Decade, which is also led by SKLEC. Meanwhile, Joint-Delta is supported by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality from 2021 to 2024. The Kick-off Meeting for the International Joint Laboratory was held online on January 19, 2022. More than 40 scientists and government officials from five countries attended this meeting (http://www.sklec.ecnu.edu.cn/node/6905).

As a part of the Joint-Delta Project, scientists from partner countries conducted intensive field campaign in 2022 during the extreme summer drought at the Yangtze Estuary, the extreme flooding at the Indus Delta in Pakistan, as well as the flooding at the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta in Bangladesh.


  河口海岸是“海上丝绸之路”国家和地区(简称“海上丝路”) 经济增长的关键区域。在气候变化和人类活动影响下,海上丝路国家面临着风暴潮、洪水、岸滩侵蚀、生态环境破坏、公共健康受损等多重挑战,迫切需要科技支撑并提供解决方案。该项目作为联合国“海洋十年”批准的 “大河三角洲计划”先行行动,紧密围绕国家“一带一路”发展战略,基于河口海岸学国家重点实验室的科研成果和国际合作基础,与巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、埃及、罗马尼亚等国家的优势单位建立国际联合实验室,通过开展国际学术合作、科技人员交流和培训、学生培养和资源共享,提升合作单位的科研水平和创新能力,将联合实验室建设成为“海上丝绸之路”国家和地区信息交流共享的“平台与智库”,服务“海上丝路”的防灾减灾、环境保护与公共健康需求。

Estuaries and coasts are the key and vulnerable areas for the economic growth of the "Maritime Silk Road" countries and regions. Under the influence of climate change and human activities, the coastal zones all over the world are faced with multiple challenges such as storm surges, flooding, coastal erosion, degradation of ecological environment and damage to public health, which urgently need solutions with scientific and technological support. This Joint-Delta Lab is marked as a supporting project of Mega-Delta programme, the latter being endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in June, 2021. Based on the research achievements and international cooperation of the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, we are establishing an international joint laboratory with the leading institutions from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Romania and other countries. The cooperation is carried out through international academic cooperation, scientific and technological personnel exchange, students training and resources sharing. To improve the scientific research and innovation ability of cooperative partners. The joint laboratory will become a platform for information exchange and sharing among partner institutions, and serve the needs of partner countries for disaster prevention and mitigation, environmental protection and public health.

Partners of Joint-Delta Project

Cooperation research 
between partners of Joint-Delta

  此次新公布的获批项目,共有两项依托华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室牵头的“大河三角洲计划” 。另一项为印度河口和海岸研究基金会牵头的“周期性飓风对恒河食物网的影响”(Periodic cyclone effects on Gangetic food web, https://www.oceandecade.org/actions/periodic-cyclone-effects-on-gangetic...)。该项目主要围绕飓风影响下三角洲红树林生态系统的生物多样性、营养盐和碳的生物地球化学循环、农业和渔业生计选择、灾害难民问题及知识共享开展合作研究。

On September 28, 2022, the project “Periodic cyclone effects on Gangetic food web” (https://www.oceandecade.org/actions/periodic-cyclone-effects-on-gangetic...) led by Estuarine and Coastal Studies Foundation of India affiliated to the “Mega-Delta Programme” was also endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development . This project mainly focuses on the Biodiversity (Plankton, Benthos, Fish, mangrove), Biogeochemical cycle (nutrients and carbon cycle), Livelihood options (agriculture and fisheries), Living standards (cyclone forced refugees), and Knowledge sharing at the Ganges Delta.



  为了有效应对全球海洋健康状况衰退与人类可持续发展面临的严峻挑战,联合国决定自2021年启动“海洋十年”计划,该计划是近年来联合国框架下最重要的海洋科学倡议之一,它旨在通过联合国组织、政府、大学和科研机构、企业等各类组织和个人的参与,将自然科学和人文科学深度交叉,产生社会可持续发展所需要的知识和技术,并将其转化应用于全球海洋治理。作为“海洋十年”计划的重要行动之一,2021年联合国启动了全球首批行动方案的征集。该行动方案分为“计划”(Programme)、“ 项目”(Project)、“ 活动”(Activity)和“ 贡献”(Contribution)四类,其中“计划”定位于全球性或地区性行动,以完成一项或多项“海洋十年”挑战,具有长期性、综合交叉性的特点,往往包含若干个项目和活动。

Ocean Decade

The vision of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) is the "science we need for the ocean we want". The Ocean Decade is a convening framework for diverse stakeholders to co-design and co-deliver solution-oriented research needed for a well-functioning ocean in support of the 2030 Agenda. Capacity development, ocean literacy and the removal of barriers to full gender, generational, and geographic diversity are essential elements of the Decade.

The Plan documents the Decade outcomes that describe the "ocean we want" by 2030. It describes a series of ten Ocean Decade Challenges that will unite partners around common ocean science priorities related to knowledge gaps, essential infrastructure, capacity development, and behavior change. These Actions - taking the form of programs, projects, activities or contributions - will be implemented throughout the Decade to create collectively the Ocean We Want and help achieve the 2030 Agenda and related global policy frameworks.

More information:
“大河三角洲计划”(Mega-Delta Programme)

  “大河三角洲计划”(Mega-Delta Programme)的全称是“大河三角洲:为可持续问题寻求解决方案”。2021年6月8日,由华东师大河口海岸学国家重点实验室牵头发起的“大河三角洲计划”被正式列入联合国海洋科学促进可持续发展十年(以下简称“海洋十年”)首批入选的65个行动方案之一,当时是中国大陆地区唯一入选方案,且是28个“计划”层级的项目之一。该计划旨在针对不同区域、不同类型、不同社会经济发展阶段的三角洲,根据其在全球变化背景下面临的挑战类型和严峻程度,通过多学科、多部门的协作,更好地保护大河三角洲地区的人类生存环境,重构三角洲地区的发展蓝图。

Mega-Delta Programme
On June 8, 2021, SKLEC’s Mega-Delta programme was listed as one of the first round of the 65 programmes endorsed under the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
River deltas are a critical coastal habitat, however, they are facing continuous threats such as increased erosion, flooding risk, and shrinking salt marshes and mangroves. This has become a global problem which requires international cooperation to find solutions. The Mega-Delta Programme will study the present status and threats facing 25 globally representative deltas, create methodologies for new blueprints including critical characteristics and the sustainability of the delta system and its capacity to support regional development for deltas having different physical processes and ecological and economic value.  The overall objective of the programme is to support sustainable development in delta regions.
More information: 

