2022年度华东师范大学青年科学家(学者) 在线国际论坛(海洋科学分论坛)

2022 ECNU International Online Forum for Young Scientists (Scholars)
Marine Sciences Subforum





To promote knowledge exchanges and in-depth cooperation between outstanding young scholars all over the world, East China Normal University (ECNU) has taken the initiative to host the annual international forum for young scientists (scholars).

The forum comprises of main forum hosted by the university and subforums organized by university's schools or departments, which is dedicated to specific topics and disciplines. The forum aims at enhancing the participants' understanding of ECNU through invited talks and discussions online.

The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) will host Marine Sciences subforum on April 15th. It provides a platform for young scientists in marine science to share their research achievements, explore research frontiers and hotspots, and enhance academic cooperation. SKLEC also tailores this subforum for those who are willing to join in SKLEC.

Fields and Disciplines


The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, ECNU welcome young scientists (scholars) in one of the following fields:

- Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics

- Coastal Morpho-dynamics

- Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering

- Physical Oceanography

- Marine Geology

- Chemical oceanography and Biogeochemistry

- Biological Oceanography and Ecosystem Dynamics

- Coastal Ecosystems and Aquatic Environments

- Coastal Observation System and Numerical modeling

- Computer Science

- Data Management and Data Mining

- Artificial Intelligence

- Digital Twin System on Estuaries and Coasts

Forum Agenda


Schedule: The forum is to be held on April 9th, and Marine Sciences Subforum is to be held on April 15th. Please pay attention to

http://:www.jobs.ecnu.edu.cn and


or follow the official WeChat account “ECNUHR” and  “河口海岸学国家重点实验室” for details. The detailed agenda of the forum shall be released soon.

Application Requirements


Applicants are supposed to be under the age of 40 (except for outstanding ones), with a PhD degree from universities or research institutes, and have outstanding academic achievements in the frontier research.

Registration Information






Sign up at the ECNU Platform for Talent Recruitment (http://www.jobs.ecnu.edu.cn),

or contact SKLEC recruitment team by email (rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn).

Contact Information




E-mail: rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research

Contact: Dr. Wang

Tel: +86-21-54836491,54836003

E-mail: rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn

About ECNU and SKLEC


East China Normal University (ECNU), founded in 1951 at Shanghai, is one of the most prestigious universities in China sponsored by the national top university construction programs “Project 211” and “Project 985”. In 2017, ECNU was selected as one of the 36 Class A universities on the list of “Double First-Class” university project by the Ministry of Education, China. Adhering to the university motto of “pursue what we have not been taught, and practice what we are going to teacher”, and focusing on the five action plans of "Education +", "Ecology +", "Health +", "Intelligence +" and "International +", ECNU has made great achievements in talent-training, scientific research, community service and international exchanges. ECNU is working steadily towards its goal of transforming itself into a world-class university, with a number of first-class disciplines and well-coordinated discipline development, while also contributing to the development of China's teacher education.


Focusing on the talent power strategy and innovation driven development strategy, ECNU is focusing on building an innovative talent system with global competitiveness. ECNU implements a series of open and efficient talent introduction and cultivation policies to cultivate a high-level talent team. Competitive salary and housing subsidies, first-class research environment and atmosphere, sufficient scientific research funds and superior office conditions provide all-round guarantee and support for talents. With the support from its affiliated schools, ECNU provides advantageous basic education resources to help talents’ children enjoy high-quality basic education resources from kindergarten to senior high school.


The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC) originated from the Estuarine and Coastal Research Institute, which was founded in 1957 and the first institute of estuaries and coasts research in China. The laboratory is mainly engaged in the both foundamental and applied research of estuarine and coastal areas, with the following research directions: Estuarine and coastal morphodynamics and land resource safety, Estuarine and coastal multi-interface ecological processes and its environmental impact, Estuarine and coastal hazard and resilience, and Human-earth coupling system and its sustainable development. In its 60 years of development, estuarine and coastal scientists have persistently carried out frontier research, focusing on practical problems in resource development and ecological protection in estuarine and coastal areas, and made a series of major innovative contributions to the sustainable social and economic development of coastal areas. While serving for the national developments, SKLEC has effectively developed science of the earth system, and promoted international academic influence in the field of estuarine and coastal research.







East China Normal University website:


The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research website:
