Heida L. Diefenderfer

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,USA
2007 Ph.D. Emphasis: Ecosystem Analysis. University of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Seattle.
1999 M.A. English. Emphasis: Cultural Studies. Western Washington University, Department of English, Bellingham, Washington.
1997 B.A. Emphasis: Multicultural Literature and Writing, Native American Studies, Cross-cultural Communication and Education. The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington
1991 B.A. Biology. Emphasis: Forest Ecology. Minor: Cognitive Science. Reed College, Portland, Oregon.
2011. Invited participant (competitively selected), National Academies’ Keck Futures Initiative, Ecosystem Services Conference, Irvine, California.
2004-2005. A collaborative project received the Technology Merit Award (2005, Environmental Business Journal) and the international juried Excellence on the Waterfront Award (2004, The Waterfront Center).
2000-present. Nine Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Outstanding Performance (OPA) Awards:

Research Focus Areas
• Ecology, Geomorphology, Ecohydrology, Landscape Ecology
• Ecological Restoration, Stakeholder Engagement, Adaptive Management
• Evidence-based Decision Processes in Endangered Species Recovery
• Post-Colonial and Native American Studies
• Aquatic-Terrestrial Interface: Riverine, Coastal, Forested, and Wetland Ecosystems
• Sustainable Development, Resilience
• Systematization and Critical Thinking in Ecosystem Management
• Transdisciplinary and Synthetic Research