International Symposium on Climate change and human activities:Coastal Consequences and Responses

  Coastal zone, especially estuaries, has been under great pressure due to human activities from catchments as well as coastal developments. Sea level rise and extreme weather conditions are natural disasters that threaten the vulnerable coastal zone. Understanding about the consequences and responses of coastal systems to the natural and anthropogenic pressure is a great challenge for scientists and policy makers. This symposium aims to provide a platform for scientists from different disciplines to discuss about possible and recognized changes of coastal systems, and potential strategies to adapt to these changes. We welcome scientists from all over the world to join the forum.
  Climate change and human activity: Coastal consequences and responses
  - Impacts of human activity on the estuaries and coasts
- Impacts of climate change on the estuaries and coasts
- Coastal eco-systems and eco-services
- Material transport from source to sink and environmental effects
- Fate or Future of tidal flats in estuaries
- Coastal vulnerability, assessment proxies and models
- Coastal adaptation and strategies coping with climate change
