
021 54836463
2013.09-2017.06 中国海洋大学 海洋科学专业 本科
2017.09-2023.09 浙江大学 海洋技术与工程专业 博士(直博)
2023.12-至今 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室海洋生物圈整合研究科学计划(IMBeR)国际项目办公室 项目干事

Qian, S. (钱苏慧), Wang, D., Zhang, J., and Li, C., 2021. Adjoint estimation and interpretation of spatially varying bottom friction coefficients of the M2 tide for a tidal model in the Bohai, Yellow and East China Seas with multi-mission satellite observations. Ocean Modelling, 161. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
Qian, S. (钱苏慧), Zhang, J., Wang, D., and Wang, Y. P., 2022. Observational study on drag reduction of continental-shelf bottom boundary layer. Physics of Fluids, 34. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
Qian, S. (钱苏慧), Du, Y., Wei, Z., Zhang, J., Cheng, J., Wang, D., and Wang, Y. P., 2023. Effects of spatial bottom friction parameterization scheme on the tidal dynamics in the macrotidal East China Seas. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1085118. (第一作者, JCR Q1)
Li, S., Qian, S., Chen, H., Song, J., and Cao, A., 2021. An extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation for water waves with linear shear flow, wind, and dissipation. AIP Advances, 11. (第二作者,JCR Q2)
Li, S., Yu, C., Qian, S., Song, J., and Cao, A., 2021. Interfacial waves modulated by linear shear flow of the upper layer in a two-layer fluid with arbitrary layer depths. Physics of Fluids, 33. (第三作者,JCR Q1)
Chu, D., Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Jiao, X., and Qian, S., 2019. Sensitivities of modelling storm surge to bottom friction, wind drag coefficient, and meteorological product in the East China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 231. (第五作者,JCR Q1)