
2009.09-2013.06 上海海洋大学水产与生命学院 水产养殖学 本科
2013.09-2018.06 华东师范大学生命科学学院 生态学 硕博连读
2018.07-2022.05 华东师范大学生命科学学院 博士后
2017.06-2018.02 加拿大卡尔顿大学/加拿大环境与气候变化部野生动物研究中心 博士生访问学者
Applied Geography, Animals, Biotropica, Conservation Science and Practice, Diversity, Ecological Indicators, The European Zoological Journal, Urban Ecosystems, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, Global Ecology & Conservation, Scientific Reports, 生态学报, 生态学杂志,生物多样性,长江流域资源与环境,农业现代化研究
2020-2022年 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:城市化对两栖类繁殖生活史特征的影响-以上海为例(主持)
2022-2025年 国家重点研发计划政府间国际创新合作重点专项:植被-水沙-堤防耦合机制及海岸生态堤防技术(骨干参与)
2023-2025年 自然资源部海洋生态监测与修复技术重点实验室开放研究基金:长江口盐沼湿地不同互花米草防治模式的工程效果评估及其对生态系统稳定性的影响(主持)
2022-2024年 长江三角洲河口湿地生态系统教育部/上海市野外观测研究站开发课题:长江口海岸带风电开发在景观尺度上对关键水鸟类群物种多样性与行为节律的影响(主持)
2022-2023年 上海市九段沙湿地自然保护区常规监测项目:九段沙湿地鸟类行为学调查专项(主持)
2023-2025年 上海市生态环境局项目:崇明北港北沙新生湿地演变与保育对策研究(骨干参与)
2022-2023年 上海市生态环境局项目:长三角生态绿色一体化示范区水乡客厅及周边区域环境质量调查和智能感知系统建设方案研究(骨干参与)
2022-2023年 国家林业发展改革基金:上海市九段沙湿地自然保护区互花米草治理试点工程(骨干参与)
2018-2020年 上海市科委重大专项基金:崇明鸟类保育与可再生能源协调发展的关键技术研究和示范(骨干参与)
2020-2021年 中央高校基本科研业务费:城市化对两栖类两性异形强度与求偶鸣叫特征的影响(主持)
2019-2020年 上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室自由基金:农田景观异质性与水体多样性对两栖类的影响:以崇明生态岛为例(主持)
2019-2022年 国家自然科学基金面上项目:更新过程对盐沼湿地植物群落构建的作用(参与)
2013-2016年 原国家林业局/上海市绿容局重大专项:全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查(参与)
2013-2015年 上海市科委重大专项基金:植食性鸟类补充觅食地的营造及其维持(参与)
Publications: (*Corresponding author, #Co-first author)
1. Li, B*., Zhao, S., Zhang, W., Liu, N., Xu, H., Wei, X., Wang, Z., Wang, T., Li, X., 2024. Reclamation history and land use types across multiple spatial scales shape anuran communities in the coastal land reclamation region. Journal of Environmental Management 353, 120262.
2. Zhao, S., Xu, H., Wang, T., Li, H., Li, X., Liu, N., Song, X., Guan, F., Chen, X., Xu, A*.,Li, B*., 2024. Prioritizing landscapes for mitigating the impacts of onshore wind farms on multidimensional waterbird diversity in the Yellow Sea. Current Zoology 70, zoae008.
3. Zhao, S., Wang, T., Li, X., Xu, H., Liu, N., Xu, A., Fuller, R*., Li, B*. 2023. Comparing different management strategies of river mouths for waterbird conservation: A case study along the Yellow Sea coast. Global Ecology and Conservation 47, e02659.
4. Zhang, W., Li, B*., Yang, G*. 2022. The effects of landscape heterogeneity on East China anuran communities: Identifying spatial scales in an urbanizing landscape. Diversity 14, 968.
5. Zhao, S#., Xu, H#., Zhong, S., Song, N., Liu, N., Wang, Z., Li, B*., Wang, T*. 2022. Risk evaluation of onshore wind farms in relation to wild duck (Anatidae) movements in the Yangtze River Mouth, China. IET Renewable Power Generation 16, 470-477.
6. Liu, N., Zhong, S., Wang, T*., Li, X., Wei, L., Zou, C., Zhao, S., Li, B*. 2022. Advertisement call variation of two frog species along an urban–rural gradient in Shanghai, China. Diversity 14, 550.
7. Xu, H#., Zhao, S#., Song, N., Liu, N., Zhong, S., Li, B*., Wang, T*. 2021. Abundance and behavior of little egrets (Egretta garzetta) near an onshore wind farm in Chongming Dongtan, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 312, 127662.
8. Song, N., Xu, H., Zhao, S., Liu, N., Zhong, S., Li, B*., Wang, T*. 2021. Effects of wind farms on the nest distribution of magpie (Pica pica) in agroforestry systems of Chongming Island, China. Global Ecology and Conservation 27, e01536.
9. Li, B., Yuan, X., Chen, M., Bo, S., Xia, L., Guo, Y., Zhao, S., Ma, Z*., Wang, T*. 2020. How to strive for balance of coastal wind energy development with waterbird conservation in the important coastal wetlands , a case study in the Chongming Islands of East China. Journal of Cleaner Production 263, 121547.
10. Zhao, S., Xu, H., Song, N., Wang, Z., Li, B*., Wang, T*. 2020. Effect of wind farms on wintering ducks at an important wintering ground in China along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Ecology and Evolution 10, 9567-9580.
11. Li, B., Zhang, W., Wang, Z., Xie, H., Yuan X., Pei, E., Wang, T*. 2020. Effects of landscape heterogeneity and breeding habitat diversity on rice frog abundance and body condition in agricultural landscapes of Yangtze River Delta, China. Current Zoology 66, 615-623.
12. Li, B., Zhang, W., Wang, T*., Zhou, L. 2019. Breeding habitat influences abundance and body condition of rice frog (Fejervarya multistriata) in agricultural landscape of Shanghai, China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 279, 74-79.
13. Li, B., Zhang, W., Shu, X., Pei, E., Yuan, X., Wang, T*., Wang, Z. 2018. Influence of breeding habitat characteristics and landscape heterogeneity on anuran species richness and abundance in urban parks of Shanghai, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 32, 56-63.
14. Li, B., Zhang, W., Shu, X., Pei, E., Yuan, X., Sun, Y., Wang, T*., Wang, Z*. 2016. The impacts of urbanization on the distribution and body condition of the rice-paddy frog (Fejervarya multistriata) and gold-striped pond frog (Pelophylax plancyi) in Shanghai, China. Asian Herpetological Research 7, 200-209.
15. Zhang, W#., Li, B#., Shu, X., Pei, E., Yuan, X., Sun, Y., Wang, T*., Wang, Z*. 2016. Responses of anuran communities to rapid urban growth in Shanghai, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 20, 365-374.
16. Wei, X., Huang, M., Yue, Q., Ma, S., Li, B., Mu, Z., Peng, C., Gao, W., Liu, W., Zheng, J., Weng, X., Sun, X., Zuo, Q., Bo, S., Yuan, X., Zhang, W., Yang, G., Ding, Y., Wang, X., Wang, T., Hua, P*., Wang, Z*. 2021. Long-term urbanization impacts the eastern golden frog (Pelophylax plancyi) in Shanghai City: Demographic history, genetic structure, and implications for amphibian conservation in intensively urbanizing environments. Evolutionary Applications 14, 117-135.
17. Xie, H., Zhang, W., Li, B., Ma, Q., Wang, T*. 2019. Industrial rice farming supports fewer waterbirds than traditional farming on Chongming Island, China. Ecological Research 34, 286-295.
18. Wei, X., Liu, W., Wang, G., Ma, R., Huang, M., Zheng, J., Dong, T., Yuan, C., Bo, S., Yuan, X.,  Li, B., Ma, S., Yue, Q., Ding, Y., Wang, Z., 2024. Contemporary asymmetric gentic introgression between two pelophylax species in Shanghai. Asian Herpetological Research 15: 1-11.
19. Shu X., Zhang, W., Li, B., Pei E., Yuan X., Wang, T*., Wang, Z*. 2016. Major factors affecting the distribution of Anuran communities in the Urban, Suburban and Rural areas of Shanghai, China. Asian Herpetological Research 7, 287-294.
20. Zhang, W., Li, B., Shu, X., Xie, H., Pei, E., Yuan, X., Sun, Y., Wang, T*., Wang, Z*. 2015. A New Record of Kaloula (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) in Shanghai, China. Asian Herpetological Research 6, 240-244.
21. 龚吕, 胡阳, 李贲*, 宋远昊, 李泽渊, 李天佑, 李秀珍. 2024. 互花米草治理工程对大型底栖动物群落结构的影响:以上海南汇边滩为例. 生态学杂志 (接收).
22. 刘宁宁,钟淑蓉,王天厚,赵闪闪,宋宁宁,徐欢,李贲*. 2023. 上海市城市化梯度上饰纹姬蛙警戒距离的变化. 动物学杂志 58, 108-116.
23. 钟淑蓉, 刘宁宁, 王天厚, 赵闪闪, 宋宁宁, 徐欢, 李贲*. 2023. 上海市城市化对金线侧褶蛙和泽陆蛙形态特征的影响. 生态学杂志 42, 889-896.
24. 李贲, 张伟, 束潇潇, 莫英敏, 裴恩乐, 袁晓, 王天厚*. 2017. 上海郊区三类典型生境的两栖类分布特征. 长江流域资源与环境 26, 824-831.
25. 谢汉宾, 张伟, 李贲, 李必成, 张云飞, 王天厚*. 2018. 两栖类栖息地的构建技术及效果评估. 应用生态学报 29, 2771-2777.
26. 莫英敏, 谢汉宾, 李贲, 张伟, 汤臣栋, 钮栋梁, 王天厚*. 2017. 崇明东滩冬季不同管理模式下水稻田水鸟群落特征及其生境分析. 动物学杂志 52, 583-591.
27. 谢汉宾, 莫英敏, 张姚, 张伟, 李贲, 汤臣栋, 王天厚*. 2017. 以水鸟保育为目标的水稻田构建技术及效果评估. 长江流域资源与环境 26, 1919-1927.