
海洋微生物参与元素循环的分子机制; 海洋微生物次级代谢产物;古菌
Frontiers in Marine Science 编委
2007.9-2011.11:厦门大学与美国马里兰大学 环境科学 联合培养博士
2001.9-2004.7: 厦门大学 动物学 硕士
1997.9-2001.7: 安徽师范大学 生物科学 学士
2018.12- : 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室 研究员
2012.8-2016.12:暨南大学赤潮与海洋生物研究中心 副研究员
2011.11-2012.8:美国马里兰大学海洋生物技术研究所 访问科学家
1 利用地球化学、同位素示踪技术结合环境组学,研究滨海湿地微生物代谢甲烷、CO2,N2O等温室气体的途径及环境控制机制。
2 利用宏基因组组装技术结合富集培养,研究滨海湿地古菌的多样性、进化和生态功能。
3 利用微生物纯培养、生物化学和分子生物学等手段,研究滨海湿地微生物产生的新型次级代谢产物(惰性碳)结构、活性和合成途径。
1) 国家重点研发计划-子课题 2023YFC3709000,海陆交互带地下水污染诊断与风险管控技术体系-地下水污染物风险预警的微生物识别技术研发, 2023/12-2026/11, 主持。
5)广东省自然科学基金,2018A030313164, 海洋近岸典型生境亚硝酸氧化菌的多样性、分布特征和生态功能研究,2018/5-2021/4,主持。
7)中国科学院战略性先导科技专项,XDA1102030401,致灾物种对黑潮陆架分支相关变化的响应,2013/7-2017/12, 参与。
9)国家自然科学基金青年项目,41206126,海洋硅藻在聚集体形成和下沉过程中宏蛋白质组响应和重要生理代谢改变的追踪,2013/01-2015/12, 主持。
10)国家自然科学基金重点项目,41230961, 有害藻华形成过程中关键甲藻类群宏转录组学和宏蛋白质组学研究, 2013/01-2017/12, 参与。
# Sai Yang, Li-Jun Hou*, Hong-Po Dong*, Jia-Wei Zhang, Deng-Zhou Gao, Xiao-Fei Li, Yan-Ling Zheng, Xia Liang, Min Liu. Natural chalcopyrite mitigates nitrous oxide emissions in sediment from coastal wetlands. Sci Total Environ, 2024, 912:168766.
# Jia-Wei Zhang, Ran Wang, Xia Liang, Ping Han, Yan-Ling Zheng, Xiao-Fei Li, Deng-Zhou Gao, Min Liu, Li-Jun Hou*, Hong-Po Dong*. Novel gene clusters for natural product synthesis are abundant in the mangrove swamp microbiome. Appl Environ Microb, 2023, 10.1128/aem.00102-23.
# Ya-Fei Ou†, Hong-Po Dong†*, Simon J. Mcllroy, Sean A. Crowe, Steven J. Hallam, Ping Han, Jens Kallmeyer, Rachel L. Simister, Aurele Vuillemin, Andy O. Leu, Zhanfei Liu, Yan-Ling Zheng, Qian-Li Sun, Min Liu, Gene W. Tyson, Li-Jun Hou*. Expanding the phylogenetic distribution of cytochrome b-containing methanogenic archaea sheds light on the evolution of methanogenesis. The ISME J (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-022-01281-0.
# Jia-Wei Zhang†, Hong-Po Dong*†, Li-Jun Hou*, Yang Liu, Ya-Fei Ou, Yan-Ling Zheng, Ping Han, Xia Liang, Guo-Yu Yin, Dian-Ming Wu, Min Liu, Meng Li. Newly discovered Asgard archaea Hermodarchaeota potentially degrade alkanes and aromatics via alkyl/benzyl-succinate synthase and benzoyl-CoA pathway. The ISME J , 2021, 15: 1826-1843.
# Tie-Qiang Mao, Yan-Qun Li, Hong-Po Dong*, Wen-Na Yang, Li-jun Hou Spatio-temporal variations in the abundance and community structure of Nitrospira in a tropical bay. Current Microbiology, 2020, 77: 3492–3503.
#  Lin-jian Ou, Kai-xuan Huang, Jing-Jing Li, Wen-Yu Jing, Hong-Po Dong*. Transcriptomic responses of harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense to nitrogen and light. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 149: 110617.
#  Qing-hua Hou, Zhou Fang, Qingmei Zhu, Hong-po Dong*. Microbial diversity in the Huguangyan Maar Lake of China revealed by high-throughput sequencing. Journal of Limnology and Oceanography,2019, 4:1245-1257.
# Ting-Bin Hao, Tao Jiang, Hong-Po Dong*, Lin-jian Ou, Xiang He, Yu-Feng Yang. Light-harvesting protein Lhcx3 is essential for high light acclimation of Phaeodactylum tricornutum. AMB Express, 2018, 8:174.
 # Xiang Wang, Hong-Po Dong*, Wei Wei, Srinivasan Balamurugan, Wei-Dong Yang, Jie-Sheng Liu, Hong-Ye Li. Dual expression of plastidial GPAT1 and LPAT1 regulates triacylglycerol production and fatty acid profile in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2018, 11:318.
# Xiang Wang, Ting-Bin Hao, Srinivasan Balamurugan, Wei-Dong Yang, Jie-Sheng Liu, Hong-Po Dong*, Hong-Ye Li. A lipid droplet-associated protein involved in lipid droplet biogenesis and triacylglycerol accumulation in the oleaginous microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Algal Research, 2017, 26: 215-224.
# Hong-Po Dong, Yue-Lei Dong, Lei Cui, Srinivasan Balamurugan, Jian Gao, Song-Hui Lu* and Tao Jiang. High light stress triggers distinct proteomic responses in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. BMC Genomics, 2016, 17:994-1008.
# Yue-Lei Dong, Tao Jiang, Wei Xia, Hong-Po Dong*, Songhui Lu, Lei Cui. Light harvesting proteins regulate non-photochemical fluorescence quenching in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Algal Research, 2015,12:300-307.
# Hong-Po Dong*, Yi-Guo Hong, Songhui Lu* and Lu-Yuan Xie. Metaproteomics reveals the major microbial players and their biogeochemical functions in a productive coastal system in the northern South China Sea. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2014, 6(6): 683-695.
# Hong-Po Dong, Ernest Williams, Da-zhi Wang, Zhang-Xian Xie, Ru-ching Hsia, Feng Chen, Allen R. Place*. Responses of Nannochloropsis oceanica IMET1 to long-termnitrogen  starvation and recovery. Plant Physiology 2013, 162: 1110-1126.
Hong-Po Dong, Da-Zhi Wang*, Zhang-Xian Xie, Min-Han Dai, Hua-Sheng Hong.  Metaproteomic characterization of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter in surface seawaters in the South China Sea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2013, 109:51-61. 
2013年 中国藻类学会优秀论文二等奖